ExoPod Two: The Magic Leap C API Society

Avaer Kazmer
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2018

In this edition Avaer Kazmer, Joe McCullough, Noah Schiffman, and Nick Loomis slice through the Magic Leap SDK C API that will slice through the very fabric of our being as a society.

But also, important things!

Tune in for goodies:

  • MLSDK C API dissection
  • In-app in-world purchases
  • Fake news
  • Fake soda
  • HyperReality reality
  • Google’s existential threat
  • How to support any game engine
  • Elephant bottle refraction theory
  • ARKit, ARCore, and Magic Leap
  • Media DRM overload
  • AR identity platforms
  • Judge Dredd hand login
  • Jacked-in clickjacking
  • Data security is scary
  • Antivirus in mixed reality
  • Virtual files
  • Virtual keyboards
  • Multiplayer all the things
  • Alzheimer’s memory drive therapy
  • Virtual Autism
  • #DeleteFacebook
  • Technology that uses us
  • Pyramid schemes of convenience
  • Location becoming irrelevant
  • Order a life online
  • Order a wife online
  • Ready Player One mothering
  • The transitional generation
  • 4 year olds with cell phones
  • Nick’s 3rd grade Halo laptop
  • Discord seems kindaok but is it ok?
  • AI-generated PR
  • AI-generated phone sex
  • Pointing fingers, blowing whistles
  • Buy dat merch
  • Jake Paul in the body
  • I’m 12 and what is an exopod?

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