Documentation MVP — The Final Stretch

Juho Vepsäläinen
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2016

As you might have noticed, there’s a new documentation site up for webpack 2 and the design is starting to shape up. Content-wise we’ve reached halfway of the minimal MVP required to ship webpack 2.

In this post I want to give you a better idea of the current design, what remains to be done, and how you can help.

The Current Design

The new documentation has been structured into the following sections:

  • Concepts - To understand webpack, you need to understand the underlying concepts.
  • Configuration - We’ve retained perhaps the most useful page of the old documentation. This time, however, it has been formatted using code so you can see the configuration in context.
  • How to - Since often you want to achieve some specific task using webpack, we’ve pushed these questions below brief “how tos”.
  • API - This is one of the sections that follows from the old documentation. The section still needs a lot of work, though.

There are specific documents, such as a “Getting Started” guide, in progress, that will complement these main sections. It is quite possible we’ll see more sections as need for that arises.

What’s Missing?

When it comes to the 2.0 MVP, there is still work to be done. If you want to contribute any of the listed below, comment on the linked issue. We can agree on a rough outline there and then iterate on pull requests.

Pull requests don’t have to be perfect and we’ll provide more specific feedback on the content there. Unlike before, we don’t provide wiki based editing this time around. This allows more eyes to go through the content before it’s merged to the official documentation and allows us to maintain higher quality while helping you to contribute as well.

Here are the articles that remain to be developed:

To acknowledge your contribution, we list people who have contributed to particular piece of documentation at the end of each page. This way you can become internet famous!


There are actually far more topics to document in the issue tracker, but for now the focus is on improving the site design and covering the MVP so we can get a release out there.

If you don’t feel like cloning the site and running it locally, you can edit the content through GitHub’s online interface as there are stubs in place. Commenting on specific issues is a good way to get started.

