Google Summer of Code Closing Conference

Even Stensberg
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2019

W(w)ebpack has now been involved in Google Summer of Code for 2 years, and it has been a fantastic opportunity for the organization to help the community evolve, students to get into the Open Source space and help the ecosystem grow and continue to be sustainable.

This year, two of our Mentors have participated in the closing conference, Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit in Munich, Germany. During the conference, mentors from all organizations met and spoke about important topics that are relevant for every Open Source organization out there. As an organization, it is important to care about the community, ecosystem and how the organization is helping making the Open Source space better, which we do (!a lot!).

The summit hosted representatives from Git, Sugarlabs, FreeBSD, UN, MetaBrainz, governments and many other awesome organizations! These representatives provided insight in various of sessions together with other mentors on how we together could help sustainability, the ecosystem both in software and in the world of climate as well.

During these sessions, discussions about sustainability in projects, pull request review processes and building a healthy community was one of the core values, which was talked about in great depth and by people that care, which from a maintainers perspective, was amazing to be apart of.

Discussions of Operating Systems and burnout were also on the agenda. All these topics were really important, and from our perspective: Valuable to how we reason about Open Source governance, helping the world progress and thrive.

After attending this conference, it’s clear that the hardship of Open Source is everyones problem, not just the problems webpack are facing. The community as a whole does an immense job at making tools, libraries and source more available. Seeing so many passionate, smart and inspiring people communicate, collaborate and work together has been an eye-opener for us, and there is no doubt that the ecosystem is in the best hands, maintained by the most genuine people.

As mentors this year, we appreciate the work put into from students and other people that continues to make webpack better over time, day by day. This project is driven by the community, which is the way Open Source should be run. Thank you for this years students that made an incredible effort into their projects, making code cleaner and reporting better! Finally, thank you to all other contributors that continues to put in the effort to make the web better. A few people I want to thank, is Alexander Krasnoyarov, Eugene Hlushko and Emanuele Stoppa.

Thanks to all new contributors, welcome at any time to contribute to webpack, existing ones that aren’t mentioned, but still do tremendous efforts, thank you!!

Below is a few pictures we took during the conference.

[Photo booth] webpack representing at GSOC2019
[Photo booth picture ]In Open Source you wear many hats
[Group Photo] A group photo with other mentors!
[Group Photo] webpack and sugarlabs
[Even and Steven pictured during the conference] We’re not actually into this, but it was a good picture! :)

Thanks to everyone involved, organizers and attendees, it was a great event and we thank everyone for having a safe and inclusive community that genuinely cares about the future of Open Source!

If you are interested in participating as a student for webpack during Google of Code or you want to contribute to webpack, please do reach out to us, we would love to get you started! ♥

Our mentors, maintainers and contributors are friendly, we do not bite. You can contact us through twitter at our individual handles.

Again, thank you for an eye-opening experience!

Even Stensberg & Steven Hargrove

