Starting an E-commerce Business In Nepal? 6 Things You Must Not Ignore.

Prabhash Kumar
Webpreneurs Hub
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2018

There are a different type of E-commerce business on the web but we will be particularly talking about Online shopping & food delivery portal in Nepal and 6 Most important aspects that you must not ignore in 2018 if you are connected to any of these businesses.

Since the past decade, Webpreneurship has emerged so fast & despite the challenges of Awareness, Trust, Reliability & Payment gateway, a Large number of online business, especially in the field of E-commerce business, have emerged in Nepal in past 5 Years.

Send Gift To Nepal was one of the first E-commerce ventures to be launched in Nepal, targeting mainly the NRN residents but the business has not quite been successful.

The main reason was due to lack of education & awareness about E-commerce business at that time. People merely believed in a digital world and had trust in Online ventures and shopping.

But the time has changed with respect to technology and people have adopted Internet technology very fast in Nepal. Today, More than 1.5 crores Nepali people surf Internet daily and that’s really huge in number. So, you can conclude the market size & audience has increased dramatically over these years when it comes to the web.

People have been trying their luck in E-commerce business in Nepal for a long time but most of them have got very less return on investment when it came to profit. Reasons could be many but there are some of the important factors that largely contribute to the success of any e-commerce ventures.

There are several factors for a startup success like Quality of products, Pricing, delivery time & many more. However, With all the competitions going around these days in E-commerce market in Nepal, Here are some of the important factors that you must not ignore in 2018.

Start Small & Relevant:
It’s not mandatory that you need to sell each & everything under the same venture when it comes to the E-commerce business. Even, Amazon started out as an online bookstore and later expanded to be one of the largest Online shopping in the world.

It is therefore important to recognize your resources, manpower & expertise and plan your business accordingly. It is wise to start with limited products, test their sales, tweaks your marketing channels, analyze your product performance and finally make a decision about your next products. Place one change at a time. This way, you can manage your sales well and it gives an extra flexibility to your growth & expansion.

A good team is always a key to success and when it comes to E-commerce ventures, it turns out to be the most important pillar. You must categorize your team well.

Since your business is based on Internet, you must have a good communication with technical & management team. Make a proper team management hierarchy at your workplace.

This will not only contribute to your business growth but also plays an important part in employee satisfaction since each member gets the credit of the work done & nobody gets suppressed even if he is a delivery boy. It is important to maintain a proper coordination among your teammates.

After establishing your business, Service is the first & foremost thing that you should take care of. Through all your hard works & approaches to Networking, marketing & advertising, you can only attract a customer once. But it is your service which can compel a customer to visit again or never visit at all. So, Always maintain a good service record.

As No marketing is better than word of mouth marketing, It is therefore always recommended to look after your service than anything else.

In this competitive marketing, Packaging is yet another underrated but one of the most important thing to consider when it comes to E-commerce ventures.

After you have sent an order to a customer, your brand packaging is the first thing anyone notices even before their product. So, it is therefore always recommended to maintain a “wow” packaging in context of online shopping & food delivery as nobody likes to purchase an iPhone or a delicious food in a crappy package.right?

Digital Marketing:
If you are running an online business and are not involved in digital marketing, you are going to fail sooner or later. You need to have a strong online presence when you are running a web-based startups and that’s where the power of digital marketing comes in.

Digital marketing is the process of using various digital tools & channels to grow your business & products digitally online. This includes various steps from designing your website & application to advertising it on the web. Some of the main aspects of Digital Marketing includes:

  • Web Design
  • SEO
  • Content Marketing
  • Pay Per Click MArketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing, & Many more…

Customer Relation Management:
This is one of the important aspects of any business. Business is not just about acquiring customers. Customer retention plays an important role in any business success.

If you can win your trust over your customers, you can definitely get success very fast. So, Customer Relation management should be especially focused in any business or organization.

So, These were the top 6 factors that you should never ignore while starting out online business venture in Nepal. What do you think about these points? I would welcome your advice and suggestion on this topic and let me know if you want to add anything to the list.

Originally published at on March 26, 2018.



Prabhash Kumar
Webpreneurs Hub

I love Blogging & enjoy sharing my professional knowledge & experience with fellow writers & readers.