WebSec Nepal Official Results

WebSec CTF
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2017

This week from June 7, 2017 to June 8, 2017 a 24 hour CTF was conducted by WebSec CTF for Nepali hackers. Our goal was to train them and get them excited to different parts of security research. This included making them understand the importance of being upto date on multiple security events. Having knowledge of different events can sometimes help in Recon events for security research and red team exercise. If you knew a website got hacked previously, you can possibly get a RCE on them again if they had not fixed their code.

This 24 hour CTF was only possible due to our sponsors: Cobalt (cobalt.io) and OWASP Nepal chapter.

After the 24 hour CTF here are the results:

Official Scorebaord

All together, there was about 815 points for grab for this 24 hour CTF. Team TheLostSoul placed first followed by ThugX and Paan ko Paat. We are proud to have conducted this CTF and hope we can move this up to other communities in the future.

If you want to run a CTF for your college, companies, or even nation contact ctf@securifyredteam.com to learn more about how you can get involved. If you want to sponsor our events you can also email ctf@securifyredteam.com.

Here is a complete writeup on challenges of this CTF: https://medium.com/websec-ctf/websec-ctf-writeups-for-all-challenges-7452714477d2



WebSec CTF

Security Researcher @ Hacker0x01. I like to help the society be safe and better. https://twitter.com/uraniumhacker