15 Examples of Mobile Landing Pages That Convert

Ellie Mirman
Website Inspiration
4 min readJan 10, 2018

More and more of our internet usage has shifted to mobile, yet marketers often still struggle with adapting their websites to mobile visitors. Landing pages in particular can be a challenge — enticing someone to fill out a form on a small screen while on the go is no simple task. But here are a few stellar mobile landing pages that are sure to convert, and can provide some inspiration for your own mobile optimization.

1. HubSpot’s landing page

Perhaps a (great) coincidence, HubSpot’s landing page showcases the downloadable resource as an image on a tablet. This signals that if the visitor were to fill out the form, the resource would be legible on their mobile device.

2. Edupath’s landing page

This landing page from Edupath keeps the form short and sweet, making it easier to convert on a mobile device.

3. Shopify’s trial landing page

Shopify puts the form front and center, but doesn’t sacrifice key copy to encourage conversions. Despite the simplicity, you still get validation about the number of businesses already using their platform.

4. Menguin’s landing page

Menguin manages to squeeze in not only the form and some copy, but also helpful imagery. For a company focused on style as part of the product, it’s critical not to sacrifice that message even on mobile.

5. Workable’s landing page

Workable focuses on lifting conversion by breaking up the conversion process. Leading with a hefty form could turn visitors away, but starting with two simple questions can encourage visitors to chip away at the signup process.

6. Jobvite’s ebook landing page

Jobvite requires a longer signup process for their ebook, but at least shows a good portion of the form above the fold to reduce the amount of scrolling needed to convert.

7. Flok’s sign up page

Flok gives visitors the option to sign up with Facebook — a nice alternative to typing out all your information in a form.

8. Campaign Monitor’s landing page

Campaign Monitor leads with details on the offer — an email series, which could be an enticing offer for someone on a mobile device, reading content via an email app.

9. Leanplum’s landing page

Leanplum uses some great contrasting colors to make it easy to read on a small device.

10. HourlyNerd’s landing page

HourlyNerd (now Catalant) repeats the text on the imagery — which could be hard to read on a small screen — at the top of the page, so that nothing is lost for the visitor.

11. Bunchball’s webinar landing page

Bunchball leads with all of the details of their webinar before jumping into the ask. Providing information on what, when, and why to join this webinar can help increase conversions.

12. Vimeo’s signup page

Vimeo provides an easy-to-use toggle between signup and login, for new and returning users.

13. Paypanther’s trial landing page

Paypanther manages to fit in not only a signup form but also customer testimonials on a small screen.

14. Travelisty’s signup page

Travelisty offers three different ways to signup on their landing page — via Twitter, Facebook, or email. Providing alternatives can funnel visitors into their preferred route.

15. Bench’s signup page

Bench’s sleek landing page also provides a way to answer frequently asked questions for any visitor who’s not quite ready to sign up.

To see more mobile landing pages, head over to Crayon Inspire and browse millions of website designs. Save and share your favorites!



Ellie Mirman
Website Inspiration

CMO at Crayon - market and competitive intel company providing strategic insights and inspiration for marketers (http://crayon.co)