5 Creative Ways to Showcase Your Blog Articles

Emily Dumas
Website Inspiration
5 min readAug 22, 2018


These days, almost every company has a blog. A blog has become a marketing staple for driving SEO and brand awareness. With the blogosphere getting more and more crowded, companies need a way to stand out. Aside from creating winning content, blogs need to be easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing, and consistent. Let’s take a look at five creative ways different companies organize their blogs to appeal to their target audiences.

Make Navigation as Easy as Possible

Savvy is a tech company that specializes in app design. The users going to their blog are likely interested in how to build apps with unique tips and tricks. Savvy keeps their blog title short and sweet — Our Thoughts. They then have an easy navigation bar to help visitors sort through the content — Everything, Design, Development, Tips, Analysis, Startups, and Marketing — all key areas of interest for their target audience. They also tag each article on the homepage with the corresponding vertical. By covering a wide range of topics and making sorting through them easy to navigate, they give their blog a smooth user experience. This is a great way to organize blog articles if your company covers a wide range of topics.

Prioritize Your Visitors’ Time

PushCrew knows that marketers are busy because they themselves are marketers. Most of their blog posts are about becoming a better marketer, and they’re all under ten-minute reads — most actually being under five-minute reads. For article layout, each article has its own token on the page. They then tag each post by category such as Instagram Marketing, Marketing, Online Publishing, etc. They also highlight the author and the time each article will take to read. They understand that their audience may not have a lot of extra time in their day, so they offer little nuggets of helpful tips in their short blog posts. This is a great way to appeal to busy blog subscribers; let them know the articles are helpful, short, and sweet.

Be a Free Skill Building Resource

Redbubble is an awesome website that sells products designed by independent artists. A popular purchase from this online marketplace is unique stickers that consumers put on their laptops, but they also sell clothing, decor, and more. They utilize the art from their platform and use the art as the featured image for many of their blog posts. The content that they share is beneficial to both artists as well as the general public who purchases from the site. They share a lot of free resources and ‘how-to’ blogs to foster a strong artist community through their blog. For niche businesses with specific audiences, the blog is a helpful resource for visitors and a great way to build a strong community.

Give Visitors Multiple Ways to Browse

Zillow, the popular real estate company, uses layout to their advantage when it comes to their blog. Buying or renting a home can sometimes be an extremely overwhelming experience. During overwhelming purchasing experiences, individuals oftentimes look for resources to help make the process as smooth as possible. Since Zillow knows this, they have laid out their blog in a way that gives visitors multiple options to consume content, so that they can do it in the easiest way for them. At the top of the blog, they have highlighted stories, followed by trending stories, and finally, all stories. In addition to the three main sections, on the right sidebar, they have the most shared stories, allowing visitors to see what’s being talked about most, as well as recent stories. They also categorize each article by type, such as story, gallery, or video, and they tag it by topic. The way that Zillow organizes their blog is great for users who don’t want to be overwhelmed and want to see the content organized in specific ways.

Highlight Your Capabilities and Your Culture

Scorpion uses their blog to share multiple types of content. They share unique blog articles, but they also share announcements, culture, and philanthropy work done by employees. Not only does this give visitors a resource for marketing and digital advertising, but it also gives them an inside look into the company that’s providing them with the information, and the company that they may be working with for their marketing needs. As a company that helps clients in a wide range of businesses, it benefits them to build a strong connection with visitors and show their human side. Adding in the personal articles to the company blog is an excellent setup for companies that work with a broad range of clients and want to not only position themselves as knowledgeable but also build strong relationships.

There is no right or wrong way to organize your blog, it’s all about what’s best for your company. These five unique blogs creatively showcase their articles and their brand while having an excellent user experience. For more blog design inspiration, browse millions of designs on Inspire by Crayon.

