6 Companies Who Gave Their About Pages a Redesign in August

Emily Dumas
Website Inspiration
5 min readAug 24, 2018

Every company has a story — how they were started, who founded the company, who works for them, what they stand for, who their clients/customers are, and of course, what they actually do. Some companies feature this on their homepage, but others have About pages dedicated to telling their brand story. In August, many companies gave their About pages new looks. Let’s dive into the elements that changed, from colors to layout to messaging, and everything in between.


Livestrong gave their About page a fun and fresh new look. Previously, there were many dark features on the page, including a gray color block with black squares showing off their team, dark headers and footers, and a transparent gray text bar over an image with their main message written across it. Now, those dark elements have been swapped for brighter colors — a lot of white space, no color blocking throughout the page, brighter images, and brighter fonts. They added in an element that runs horizontally through the page — an easy navigation to content hub pages of relevant topics such as recipes, fitness, and stronger women. Livestrong is a brand that celebrates health, strength, and happiness, and this redesign directly reflects their core beliefs.


Envoy made subtle but impactful changes to their About page. They kept with their traditional color palette, white, gray, and red, and they added in more colors to the page. Previously, they had a lot of icons as a visual element corresponding to their core values. Now, their core values pop out at visitors because instead of icons, they use bright color blocks of blue, pink, purple, and yellow. This draws visitors’ attention to the core value section more than it would have before. Another change to add more color is the switch from the Envoy in the News section, which was shades of gray, to the sections about customers and investors, which include full-color logos. Sometimes, the smallest changes have the most significant impact on the look and feel of a page, which we can see by these changes made by Envoy.

Salted Stone

Salted Stone is another company that removed color blocks from their About page. Previously, Salted Stone had horizontal bars of black, orange, and blue. Now, they use a white background with pops of orange details throughout. By switching from a darker vibe to a brighter one, they’re able to better show their company and culture. They also swapped some copy from “Things We Do That Reflect Our Culture” to “Things That Reflect Our Culture,” making the title of the section quicker to read. Sometimes it’s best to keep website design simple, and Salted Stone uses to their advantage.


Samsara is the first one to stand out on this list because they’ve gone in the opposite design direction. While many of these sites are going from dark to light, Samsara is going from light to dark. Previously, Samsara had no color on their About page other than the photos of their employees. By adding in these darker elements, they’re able to draw visitors’ eyes to certain sections such as their mission, company facts, news mentions, and industry affiliations. Another major change is the layout of their employee photos. Previously, they had it set up as large blocks of text and headshots for each person on management, making the page long. Now, they have a short section for leadership, highlighting everyone with smaller headshots, and in about 15% of the space that this section took up before. Samsara changed and added all the right elements to drive visitors toward key areas of their About page.


Trustpilot made changes that truly position their About page as being about them. Previously, they had cartoon drawings of their story from founding to present day in the form of a timeline down the page. Now, they have a fun video at the top of the page about their company, a quote from their CEO, and stats about the business. All of that information fits where the one timeline element was before. They also added in photos of their team at work, another variable that adds a human element to the page. A minor but relevant design change is their logo. They took away the two-toned logo with an orange icon and replaced it with a simple white logo that has a green star icon. This icon is more on brand for them because the star in the logo mirrors the stars that are used within the Trustpilot platform. All of these changes together allow Trustpilot to better tell visitors who they are as a company and a brand.

Money Dashboard

Money Dashboard is another company that went from light to dark with their latest web design. In an older version of their About page, they had one image, with multiple sections of text, all in black and white. Now, they’ve added in navy blue color blocks with white font and colorful images. They’ve also added in a map to show how wide their community spans around the world. As far as the content of the page goes, they’ve added in separate sections to reflect their mission, their story, their community, and their team. They’re also hiring, so within the section about their employees, there is an empty circle with a question mark, noting that you could be the next addition to their team. Adding in colorful and fun elements gave this About page a whole new look.

This month, a common design theme was doing a complete swap in colors — websites that were once light have gone dark, and websites that were dark have brightened up to give pages a fresh look. To see more About page redesigns, visit Crayon Inspire to browse millions of website designs.

