The 3 Elements Every Tech Marketer Needs to Hone Their Digital Language

Website Optimization
4 min readNov 6, 2016

Getting visitors to convert is all about quality of communication between marketers and their site visitors. But what is this communication really based on?

Non-Violent Communication or NVC, refers to a collaborative process of communication in which humans are able to compassionately give and receive personal details in order to drive a quality interaction.

Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg, who developed the concept in the 1960s, makes the case that human needs are universal — each and every one of us seeks to be understood.

So what’s the primary divider in different forms of communication? If we all seek the same outcome, why is it so hard to hear and felt heard?

The answer is, everyone communicates differently.

For instance, shaking one’s head in the United States signals “No,” but in India the same gesture alludes to “Yes.” Conflict is what happens when our varying norms for communication lead to communication gaps.

We naturally form differing assumptions about language, intent, and ideas and these inconsistencies result in tension, and ultimately, in conflict.

How does this relate to revenue?

The incremental gains from testing design and layouts are evident in maximizing returns from each dollar spent on marketing. Every company wants to drive traffic and invest in maximizing return from their marketing tools. However, this is only possible through effective conversations with a site’s visitor.

NVC and Productive Dialogue

Rosenberg’s concept of NVC is relevant when discussing human marketing efforts as it is critical to ensuring productive dialogue between buyers-sellers and everyone else in between.

It’s crucial to understand the multi-layered approach conversion rate optimization elements have on the psychology of a visitor. [bctt tweet=”To maximize revenue, tech marketers must ensure that they are catering to universal human needs”] and these human needs must be found through channels of productive communication.

Here are the three fundamental layers of effective communication — visitors needs, emotions and values — and how they can help your brand communicate effectively in any sector.

The Three Fundamental Layers Dissected:

1. Marketing Body Language

The words you use in tech marketing should meet the emotional needs of the buyer by speaking with a voice they relate to. In a study by Search Engine Land, it was noted that using natural body language on forms has been shown to increase conversions by 25–40%.

This optimized body language and flow can be achieved by making sure the PPC ads, landing pages, blog and website copy is synchronized in voice, so that the visitor doesn’t need to piece together different aspects of what you’re selling and can go straight to the download or purchase process.

Using a natural voice and syncing this voice across all platforms also has the the power to reduce bounce rate. The ultimate payoff will show in greater engagement, an increase in valuable customers, and, of course, conversions.

2. Design

Design elements must cater to the emotions of the visitor. Correctly placed text, a clear CTA and an understanding and constant testing of color psychology all play a critical role in connecting the visitor with their unmet need(s).

Effective design is achieved through rigorous testing, both A/B testing and real time testing, so that the customer’s digital body language is always being tracked and strategically addressed.

Bestselling author, Paul Jarvis, writes for The Next Web:

“The look of a website is an instant trust builder or trust loser. If there are flames on buttons, horrible stock photos or poorly matched colours, a visitor will leave the site faster than they typed the URL.”

Understanding how your users are interacting with your UX will allow for you to address each of their pain-points and cater to their specific buyer’s journey (the path that has taken them to you).

3. Personalization

The design and the text both play a role in conversions — the ideal is strategic personalization wherein the landing page is tailored to each individuals needs, body language and lifestyle.

A recent study by Adobe and Econsultancy found that 52% of online tech marketers agree that the ability to personalize content is fundamental to their online or blogging strategy.

We are social animals and derive a lot of our identity from soft cues such as clothing and slang. Therefore, if a brand is able to leverage a customer’s specific tastes to connect with them on a more personal level, the result will be a customer who is not only active, but who enjoys speaking about your brand as much as they enjoy speaking about their other likes.


Marketing is fast evolving in a direction where the individual customer is seen as more than just a behavioral machine. Personas, or our data-driven ideology of a specific audience, have become fully-formed units comprising of unique values, needs, and emotions.

Visitors will always end up on a website with color, design and language they relate to. Therefore, marketing automation tools plus a hefty dose of conversion rate optimization is a tried-and-true cocktail for any brand looking to speak in a way that their clients can relate to.

The only way to achieve this is to work holistically, and acknowledge that successful Human Marketing relies on many moving parts, not just one.

Marketing experts and CMOs alike need to embrace the change and make sure they are staying ahead.

