Let’s Deploy Spring Boot App to the Cloud

A step by step tutorial

Nil Madhab


Photo by Alex Machado on Unsplash


We have created a simple authentication system in Java and Springboot, which you can see here.

This time we are going to take that simple Spring Boot API that we created in the previous tutorial and run it on the cloud. To be able to do this we will need to go to get ourselves a VPS, or a Virtual Private Server. A VPS is a virtual operating system that is run on a company’s data center. So we aren’t renting someone’s entire computer, we are renting a part of their computer, in our case we are only renting one of their CPU cores (most modern laptops have 4 cores, some have even more), 1 GB of their RAM, and 25 GB of their storage. So let's get this started shall we?



Nil Madhab

Developer @Booking.com | ex: Samsung, OYO | IIT Kharagpur | Entrepreneur, founder of simplecoding.dev | JOIN Medium, https://nilmadhab.medium.com/membership