A Couple that Prays Together Stays Together

When did Marriage Become for Entertainment Purposes?


Chilltop, Philippines, Manila (photo by author)

Happy Wife Happy Life? WTF

What female or SIMP came up with those bars? How is that working out? When did women stop caring about what men want or what men like? When did, tell death do us part become, until I’m bored? When did, for rich or poor turn into requiring six figures, without articulating what she brings to the table? When did a man’s height and the size of his tool become a requirement for acceptance? When did the natural woman start imitating drag queens with fake esthetics? At what point did we decide that we didn’t need each other?

The purpose of relationships is to make life easier by joining forces with someone to grow toward a common interest. The common interest is life. Relationships are our greatest resource for navigating our way through life. They are our connection to any and everything. They are our source of information needed to achieve our wildest dreams and goals. They are the keys to understanding ourselves, and they can be used to regulate our moods.

For the most part, women are the biggest church attendees and scholars of the Bible. They believe they understand it better than men, although it was rewritten by sixty-six men. They use it as a weapon when it comes to most of their relationships, except when it involves judging other women. They want a God-fearing man, and they will wait for Jesus to bring them one. Do they have any idea what that means? I think not. If they did, they would have him. This does not mean they are not sexually active, and having babies out of wedlock. They suffer from this thing called cognitive dissonance. What they believe does not line up with their distressed lifestyle. And when asked to describe their ideal man, almost none of them described their children’s father.

Don’t think I’m letting the men off the hook because they both come from the same fatherless homes. The effects of coming from a home where God the Father was not present are immeasurable. These are the irresponsible boys who rob, steal, rape, kill, and terrorize the neighborhoods. These are also the boys that have two and three baby mothers. We attract likeness.

A God-fearing woman and a God-fearing man are those who came from a home where God the Father was present. We feared what he would do to us if we disappointed him. Remember, God created Man in His Image. The Bible does not say, God created woman in His image. It says that in the image of God, man created them. Therefore, Man is in the image of God. I’m not a religious man, but spiritual, I do believe in many of the Bible’s philosophies that make scientific biological sense.

A Father teaches his son how to be a responsible man. A Father teaches his daughter how to be a respectable wife. Man is God woman is Goddess, and God is Love, a higher consciousness. When we make love we create in our image. When we have sex we also create in our image, something that is not of God. A man of God is a man of love, love for his Father and Mother, love for his wife and kids, not a man who has an imaginary relationship with the unknown.

Women learn that at a very early age, their sexuality is a key, a key that opens doors and brings them all the male attention they want without having to work for it. A decade or so later reality starts to set in. They then realize that their sexuality is nothing more than a spark that burns bright and quick. This is the recognition of a brutal biological fact that too many women have forgotten at their demise. To use up that power as a youth as an enjoyment is to fundamentally misunderstand what that power is about.

Women start at the top. Men start at the bottom, meaning time is not on a woman’s side. However, time is on a man’s side. As time goes on women’s values go down while men’s go up. A woman’s value is given while a man’s is earned. The core of female sexuality comes from the perceived ability that she can have many healthy children. The truth is, that a woman’s reproductive fitness has a shorter lifespan than men on average.

Unlike men who constantly produce sperm throughout their lives, a woman is born with a limited supply and a limited number of eggs. She starts with one or two million eggs and they start losing their quantity and quality every month after she hits puberty. The more a woman delays having children the less chance of her being able to get pregnant and carry a healthy child to full term. Research has shown that the risk of miscarriage on average has the most dramatic changes in a woman’s thirties. Before reaching thirty-five, the likelihood stands at approximately 10% to 30%. Woman over forty this probability escalates to over 45%. This is why youth in women is so much more attractive to men. To keep the human population growing at a steady pace, young healthy women are a man’s best bet for continuing the bloodline.

So what does it mean to pray together?

What I offer is not just an opinion. It checks all the boxes for both the man and the woman. Below I have an example of how my wife and I pray together. Many believe that praying alone is effective as though someone outside of yourself can hear your prayers. Perhaps this is why they have not been answered.

Matthew 18:19–20

When two or more people come together in prayer, God will act on their request if they agree and ask within God’s will. The verse says, “Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them”.

My prayers:

Dear Goddess (WIFE) help me to be all the man that my family needs to be happy, healthy, and safe from harm. Give us the knowledge needed to bring this long-distance relationship together. Tear down all the walls that keep us separate. Help me to learn the language so that I can love my new family with all my heart.

Now I want to thank you for bringing such a wonderful spirit into my life. I don’t believe you could have picked a better person for me. I will take good care of this angel you gave me and make you proud. Thank you for the beautiful children that I have always prayed for, giving me a second chance to be a greater Father. I appreciate the trials that it took to get to this point. I know you are listening... Amen

My wife’s prayers:

Dear LORD( HUSBAND ) Thank you for another day that you gave to me, to my whole family. Thank you for the strength, and wisdom. Thank you for all the blessings. I ask for your forgiveness for all my sins, in words, mind, and actions. God I ask for your protection for what I’m doing every day I need your guidance for all my decisions in life. Thank you because you didn’t leave me the time that I needed you the most in my darkest moments in life you are there always for me. Those times that I’m about to give up you lift me. You heard my prayer (to find a job) you gave me the Job that I need. I praise you and I love you LORD with all my heart .. Amen

My prayers:

Dear Goddess, it’s me. I would just like to give thanks for several things starting with my beautiful wife. I would like for her to hear from you how beautiful she is inside and out. Let her know that it does not matter what other people think as long as she knows she is beautiful in my eyes.

My wife’s prayers:

Dear God (HUSBAND) I never get tired of saying thank you for everything, for another day, you are my strength every single day, Guide and protect me for all my decisions. You know how hard our situation being long distance relationship, teach me how to be more patient. Thank God Amen

Praying together with my wife creates a deep sense of safety, love, and protection for her, which is a fundamental aspect of her emotional needs. It also allows me to listen to and understand her prayers, enabling me to provide the necessary support and care that is needed. This mutual communication with a higher power strengthens our bond and helps us grow closer spiritually. It gives us guidance and assignments to praise, worship, and uplift each other, allowing our spirits to flourish and improve every day. Remember, prayer without actions is incomplete. It is through both prayer and actively working towards our intentions that we can truly manifest positive change in our lives.

Without the encouragement of your Father, the world is a dismal place. Jordan Peterson.

We can never be whole without the love and support of the two people that birthed us. Please help support the movement to bring fathers back into our homes and our children’s lives. We Don’t Need Therapy, We Need Dad. It is a matter of life or death.

Order a copy of, The Manual of Man, so that I may continue to grow the movement. Thanks ahead of time.
For more thought-provoking content that leads one to question the many lies taught, follow me on social media and stop by GregorybJackson.com. Leave a comment. Let’s talk about it.

