Eliminate stress!

Cherie Ronning
1 min readJul 25, 2017


Originally published at www.weddingnetworkusa.com.

Feeling stressed? I have 2 great solutions!

The words I hear over and over from clients and peers, is that everyone is “under too much stress” or “I am all stressed out” or “the stress of being self-employed is too much”, and while I totally understand the feeling there are many ways to overcome that stress.

When I offer one-on-one mentoring for you and your business, I can teach you how to better organize your time, become more productive, stay on track and eliminate a lot of stress. But today I want to share 2 things I do every day — things that help me beat stress back into a corner!

#1 — the App — CALM

It is not all woo woo, believe me. You can get a free version at the App store. You can choose a photo that is soothing to you. Each photo has sounds that go along with it to further make you take 5 and relax. What I love about this app is that sporadically pops up on your phone and asks you to take a few minutes for CALM.

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