What are your clients saying about you?

The Wedding Network USA Team
2 min readFeb 15, 2017


Originally published at www.weddingnetworkusa.com.

This haunting question was the topic of the SW Washington Wedding Network Mastermind for February.

Client reviews are ‘your best, most authentic megaphone. 90% of millennials are interested in providing a review — and only 7% are asked to write one.’, The Knot noted in a recent webinar. Today’s millennial couples are ‘infosumers’ they thrive on information and the experience you provide. This is a market that has never been without online reviews as part of the buying process. What your previous clients say about you matter. Over 88% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. How do you get started?

Set a goal. Understand how many reviews you want to receive each month for your business. Once your goal has been set — talk to your team. Involve them in the process of why reviews are important. Ask for ideas on how to improve the process. Make your goal part of the business culture within your company.

Schedule the time. If it’s not on your calendar, you won’t do it. You can create a routine of keeping reviews top of mind if it is part of your weekly schedule. Clients should be contacted within three weeks of their event with you to ensure the most vivid memories come through about your company. Find the space between the bouquet toss at the end of the night and before life has returned to normal to reach out to your clients. Even better — schedule time atthe event for a video testimonial. This is when your client is receiving the highest benefit from your business — let them speak for you!

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The Wedding Network USA Team
Wedding Network USA

We are the managing team of Wedding Network USA Cherie Ronning.