Leap of Faith by Zoombox Wedding Videos

Wedding Videographers
4 min readOct 26, 2015

In order to achieve great things, one must take a leap of faith, and often, this leap of faith shows you things you never knew possible. And just as in life, when starting a business, you often must take leaps of faith. This story is about Justine Bautista and his leap of faith in creating Zoombox Wedding Videos.

Justine started editing videos at high school. Back then, he was using the Microsoft’s Moviemaker and despite it’s limited capabilities, he was able to join different clips into coherent, enjoyable videos. This was how it all started for him. Soon after, Justine expanded his hobby and began editing family videos and started posting them online. To his surprise, this immediately drew the attention of folks from the wedding videographer community and they asked him to help edit and shoot some of their videos. Justine was shocked. He couldn’t believe that his hobby would get the attention it did; let alone a request to do some professional work with it. He hesitantly declined. To Justine, it felt like a huge responsibility and failure was not acceptable. He though that if he messed up in such a big stage, there was no chance of editing your way back.

But chance has a way of pursuing the right talent and eventually, Justine couldn’t let the opportunity pass and he took a leap of faith. Though the relentless requests of his now videographer friends, he edited his first live event in 2010. It was amazing. Justine loved what he did and it showed in his amazing work. So, not long after, Justine took on more responsibility and eventually headed his own wedding shoot. The wedding was in Binondo, Manila and he charged ₱3,000. This was Justine’s humble beginning as a videographer and it’s not too bad for someone who loved his work so much that he would’ve done it for free.

Zoombox Wedding Videos with the lovely couple

As an engineer, Justine had so much ideas when it came to video production and he leveraged as much of it as possible in building his studio. In fact(and true to his engineering roots), he even named his studio after a hardware projector. He felt that a unique technical name would create some curiosity buzz. And true enough, Zoombox Wedding Videos has became one of the most catchy brands in the wedding industry.

Aside from the name, Justine made sure he created a brand that’s become known for delivering not just the most professional and genuine service couples could ever hope for, but for truly unique, emotional and heart warming masterpieces as well. In fact, Justine strongly claims that each Zoombox Wedding video is unique. He gives his team full creative freedom to center the videos on the uniqueness of each couple. Moreover, Zoombox boasts of a culture that fosters and harnesses creativity. Justine and his team regularly watches operas and musicals to generate creative inspiration, which is very important for Zoombox’s creative culture.

Justine focused on the work at hand

In a crowded market, Justine believes that it’s easy to neglect quality for price and quantity but he says that that’s not what Zoombox is about. For him, Zoombox will always stand for amazing and unique masterpieces. Ones that touch not just the couples but the rest of the audience who attended the wedding as well. In fact, he believes it should touch even those who weren’t able to attend the wedding as they appreciate the moments of the ceremony, despite their absence. This firm stance on great, quality work is something Justine is extremely passionate about and it reflects strongly on his team’s approach too.

So far, the work Justine and his team has been putting in is paying off. This year is turning out to be a hyper growth year as they’ve strongly expanded their presence internationally. They’ve had multiple shoots in Australia, Singapore, and the United States. The team believes that soon enough they’ll be able to expand to Europe and South America as well. And in the next five years, Justine envisions a truly global studio. One where each Zoombox masterpiece knows no location or language boundaries. To Justine, it’s funny how he often finds himself reminiscing to when he took that leap of faith. It has led him to doing what he loves — creating long lasting, memorable wedding videos.

For more information on Justine and Zoombox Wedding Videos, feel free to contact him through his trippix profile or through his website at zoomboxvideos.com. And for questions or recommendations for future videographer highlights — just email us at info@trippix.net.

