Illustrations for Igloo Books reward pack

Reg Silva
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2015

Last February, I worked on a project for Igloo Books — a reward pack and wall chart activity book for children.

Reward charts are apparently a thing nowadays — they’re progress charts you use with your child to reward him/her of good behavior — such as doing their chores, eating their vegetables, doing their homework, etc. Whenever the child progresses towards a goal in the chart, they get a star or a sticker as a reward, akin to the stamps we got in preschool for a job well done.

Igloo commissioned me to illustrate some 50+ spot illustrations for this project — scenes showing various good behavior. Some sketches:

Reward Pack

Process shots:

Reward Pack

Some of the 50+ spots I illustrated:

Reward Pack
Reward Pack
Reward Pack
Reward Pack

I also illustrated the reward pack cover. Some process shots:

Reward Pack

Initial rough sketches

Reward Pack

Color draft 1

Reward Pack

Color draft 2. The client had me change some of the character’s poses and colors.

They also had me illustrate a scene for a wall chart:

Reward Pack

The entire project took me about three weeks from start to finish — a rush project considering I had to make 50+ illustrations in that span of time. I barely slept while working on this project as I was immersed in other projects at the same time. Despite the timetable though, it’s one of my favorite projects to date, given the subject matter (anthropomorphic animals wearing clothes!).

I received the published copy of the reward chart in the mail a few weeks ago:

Reward Pack
Reward Pack
Reward Pack

Big thanks to my agents at Bright for getting me this gig with Igloo!



Reg Silva

Illustrator. I like pizza and cupcakes. John 15:1-17