Big Businesses to halve Emissions before 2030 to Win the UN’s Race to Zero

We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time
Published in
5 min readSep 21, 2020

“We don’t need the ever-increasing number of pledges and petitions, we need companies to set clear targets, start exponential action and communicate progress. “, says Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson in the support for the initiative.

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21 September 2020, Stockholm/New York — The urgency of halving emissions by 2030 in order to set the stage for a more climate secure future will be front and centre of the first Exponential Climate Action Summit happening on 24 September as part of Climate Week NYC.

The broadcast, supporting the United Nation’s Race to Zero for the 2021 UK-hosted climate conference, will focus on how to halve emissions by 2030 by growing solutions in energy, transport and industry — spotlighting the crucial role of digitalization in making this happen.

The broadcast has secured some of the foremost leaders in the field alongside businesses and disruptors who are trailblazing emission reductions across their operations and supply chains and accelerating the new fossil-free solutions.

Guests include among others:

· Christiana Figueres, a key architect of the landmark Paris Climate Agreement and international campaigner

· Nigel Topping, the UK High Level Climate Action Champion for the UN climate conference (COP26) and former CEO of We Mean Business

· Niklas Heuveldop; President and CEO of Ericsson North America.

· Adnan Amin, former Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency and Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School

· Helen Clarkson, CEO the Climate Group/Climate Week NYC

· Henrik Henriksson, CEO Scania Group

· Professor Johan Rockstrom, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

· Marie-Claire Graf; co focal point for UN children and youth group YOUNGO

· Andreas Ahrens, Head of Climate, Inter IKEA Group

· Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and founder,

· Johan Falk, co-founder and Head of the Exponential Roadmap initiative.

The event, scheduled from around 3pm Central European Summer Time until around 7pm, is being produced and broadcast live over Twitter by the Stockholm-headquartered climate action platform We Don’t Have Time.

Some program highlights

· How to halve global emissions — now

· Keynotes from scientists, climate champions and governments. Exponential scaling of next generation solutions in energy, transport and industry

· How we transform our business — Ericsson, Ikea, Intel, Scania, Vodafone, BT and others on concrete climate action and solutions which cuts emissions

· Building back better after Covid-19.

· Government initiative: Set an end date for fossil fuels.

The summit is supported by Ericsson, the telecommunications company that is already set to halve its emissions before 2030, endorsed by the Race to Zero and partners including the Exponential Roadmap Initiative; the ICC; and the Climate Group/Climate Week NYC.

Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson

Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability, Ericsson, said: “We have reached a moment in time where an increasing number of companies are evolving their business models and disrupting their supply chains, however, not close to enough to halve emissions by 2030. It is possible to deliver a carbon neutral, more climate secure world that is good for business, the economy, people and nature. We don’t need the ever-increasing number of pledges and petitions, we need companies to set clear targets, start exponential action and communicate progress. Join the Race to Zero”.

Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don’t Have Time

Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO and Founder of We Don’t Have Time, said: “The Race to Zero is quite rightly hotting-up as the impacts of climate change are felt across the globe. The good news is that many businesses, industry, local governments, and NGOs across the globe already have their sprinting shoes on and are up and running”.

“But we urgently need a big step change among governments and all the engines of the economy and society now, at COP26 and beyond if we are to ultimately win the Race: namely halving global emissions by at latest 2030”.

“The first Exponential Climate Action Summit will showcase the rapidly growing solutions; the role of digitalization as a key enabler; new ways of bringing small and medium-sized enterprises along and much, much more — please register and join us on what promises to be an exciting, inspiring and fast-forwarding show towards a more climate secure future ,” he added.

Johan Falk, Christiana Figueres, and Johan Rockström pose with The 1.5C Business Playbook at the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos.

Johan Falk, co-founder, and Head of Exponential Roadmap Initiative said:” This event brings together transformers and disruptors which are committed to the mission of halving global carbon emissions by latest 2030. That is what is required to address the climate emergency and move into a safer operating space for humanity. — nothing less. To achieve that we need to go from incremental to exponential scaling of the new, green, solutions and rapidly close down the fossil-based system, which has no future. It is necessary, it is achievable — but also desirable”.

“…we need to go from incremental to exponential scaling of the new, green, solutions and rapidly close down the fossil-based system, which has no future.”

Notes to Editors

Details of the first Exponential Climate Action Summit including the speakers; program and how to register/engage can be found here

The broadcast is in support of the Race to Zero, a campaign led by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Climate Champions Nigel Topping of the UK and Gonzalo Muñoz of Chile has recently launched to support an ambitious outcome the UN Climate Conference to be hosted by the UK in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2021

It is a registered event for Climate Week NYC

For More information and to request Media Interviews with Guests please contact Nick Nuttall, Strategic Communications Director, We Don’t Have Time, on e-mail: or Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO We Don’t Have Time,, Mobile: +46736332910

About We Don’t Have Time
We Don’t Have Time, based in Stockholm, is the world’s largest social network for climate action. It has organized several digital no-fly climate events. The latest, Earth Day Week Broadcast, had a global audience of two million viewers from 140 countries. Join the social network today on



We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time

We Don’t Have Time is a review platform for climate action. Together we are the solution to the climate crisis.