First Indian embassy goes solar — encourages others to follow

We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2020

Today the Indian embassy in Madagascar becomes the first Indian mission globally to run on solar power only.
Ambassador Abhay Kumar encourages others to follow his example.
”Imagine all the Embassies and diplomatic missions in the world going solar or using some form of renewable energy to fight climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental pollution. Wouldn’t it be the change we would like to see in the world?”

LIVE: Don’t miss this historic moment. Watch the installation live on the Facebook page of the Embassy at 5 pm (IST) and 2:30 pm (Madagascar time)

On October 2 India celebrates the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. And this year, the Indian embassy in Madagascar has one more reason to celebrate this date.

Both India and Madagascar are members of the International Solar Alliance which aims to promote solar energy to fight climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental pollution. Today, October 2, the Indian embassy in Madagascar takes the step from pledge to action — by putting solar panels on the roof of the embassy building.

Ambassador Kumar on a fossil-free vehicle.

Ambassador Kumar, what made you take this decision?

”Mahatma Gandhi said: ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world.’ Since my arrival in Antananarivo, Madagascar in March 2019, I have been trying to make a transition from fossil fuels to solar power at the Indian Embassy in Antananarivo. Being a small-sized Embassy we only consume 8 KW of power on an average and mostly during the day time as the Embassy works from 8:30 am to 5 pm. So I thought: Why not switch to a rooftop solar power source which could not only be environment friendly but would also be a cheaper and more reliable source of power as Antananarivo gets sun across the year and Madagascar is also a member of the International Solar Alliance.”

”After a year and half of carrying this vision in my head, finally the Indian Embassy is going to be the first foreign Mission of any country in Antananarivo to go solar, on the occasion of the grand finale of the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.”

Will the solar panels make the embassy self-sufficient on electricity?

”Yes, it will make the Embassy self-sufficient on electricity. We will add an additional 2-4 KW if and when required.”

Would you like to challenge other ambassadors and embassies to do the same?

”Yes, I would like to inspire them, motivate them by setting an example as this one. Some of my colleagues have already started to switch their diplomatic offices to solar energy seeing us do it.”

What other steps are you and your embassy taking for the climate?

”We regularly plant trees on World Environment Day, our Independence Day. We don’t use plastic in our events. I’m also learning how to transition to zero-waste generation at the Embassy.”


LIVE: Don’t miss this historic moment. Watch the installation live on the Facebook page of the Embassy at 5 pm (IST) and 2:30 pm (Madagascar time)

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