Save the Climate — Go by Train

We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2018

In our comparison between air travel and train travel (see graphics below), it is clear that the effective time gain from flying is dwarfed by the positive climate effects from taking the train.

Here are some numbers that put flying and greenhouse gas emissions in perspective:

  • Paris-London corresponds to 71 trips with Eurostar which, by the way, is faster!
  • A one-way flight between Frankfurt and Brussels emits approximately the same as covering 60 % of Earth by train.
  • The IPCC has estimated that aviation is responsible for around 3.5 % of anthropogenic climate change.
  • The average annual growth rate of passenger demand since 2006 is 5.7 %.
  • Based on the above growth rate, passenger demand will have doubled by 2030.
  • In a negative scenario, the IPCC estimates that the climate impact of air travel will grow to 15 % by 2050.
  • Nine of the world’s twelve busiest air routes, in terms of passenger volumes (2015), measure less than 1300 km and do not cross large stretches of water, which means that high speed trains could, if the right investments are made, cover those distances in less than 4.5 hrs. For the route Shanghai-Beijing this is already in place!

Paris-London corresponds to 71 trips with Eurostar

Traveling is great for many reasons. However, as with all human activity, it generates a carbon footprint. We can work to drastically reduce that footprint by flying less. We already have a great reason to do so for distances where rail travel is a viable alternative.

Increased consumer demand and public awareness will drive investments in rail line infrastructure. It can happen faster than we think.



We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time

We Don’t Have Time is a review platform for climate action. Together we are the solution to the climate crisis.