We Don’t Have Time receives Committed Optimists award

We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2019


For five consecutive years, The Spanish platform Anoche Tuve Un Sueño has awarded extraordinary people who fight every day to improve our society.
Last year’s winner in the ”Extraordinary award” category was the Iranian human rights activist and Nobel peace prize laureate Shirin Ebadi.
This year the jury decided to award the Swedish climate initiative We Don’t Have Time.

We contacted Julia Higueras, the editor in chief of Anoche Tuve Un Sueño, to find out more.

What is Anoche Tuve Un Sueño?
Anoche tuve un sueño, which means ‘Last night I had a dream’, was born nine years ago with the mission to contribute with a grain of sand to a change that we believe must be global. It is a platform born to tell, support and spread the stories of people who are changing the world. Anoche Tuve Un Sueño has two key tools: the global magazine Anoche Tuve Un Sueño, which spread these stories, and the Committed Optimists Awards, which honours those who are committed to social change. One of our next goals for the platform is to have a television show.”

What are you hoping to achieve with the magazine?
”We created Anoche tuve un sueño because we wanted to show the other realities that occur in the world. Not only to show the realities that only the big corporations are interested in. We wanted to make a global journalism, ethical, committed to the Planet, committed with human beings and committed, as well, with all living beings that accompany us on this journey. It is a human magazine, solidary, ecological, plural, cooperative and independent. We firmly believe that human beings can improve the relationship with the Planet. We are not gods, and we cannot destroy the place where we live because we do not own it. Our duty is to protect it and there is no time for nonsense. Because We don’t have time!

Tell us a bit more about the ”Committed Optimists” award.
”The Committed Optimists Awards are a step forward, a demonstration that kindness has to do with the heroic and the brave, where citizens who do not make noise are rewarded, who do not shout, but work in silence to offer to future generations a worthy legacy. The Optimist Committed Awards were born with the vocation of rewarding those who, from their tireless and responsible work, are committed to social change.”

Last year’s winner in the ”Extraordinary award” category was the Iranian human rights activist and Nobel peace prize laureate Shirin Ebadi.

WeDontHaveTime is awarded in the ”Extraordinary award” category. What is the jury’s motivation?
”The jury of the Committed Optimists awards believes that global change is necessary and WeDontHaveTime drives this global change, this awakening that committed optimists want to see in the world.”

Since Greta Thunberg was also nominated, this made the ‘Extraordinary award’ an all-Swedish category. How come?
”I guess it was a wonderful coincidence. WeDontHaveTime and Greta Thunberg are fighting for that global change and besides, to coincide in their principles and values, they also have the same nationality. It’s incredible to see an entire country moving in the right direction. Congratulations!”

WeDontHaveTime launched its Social media network for clime change in Stockholm the day before the event in Spain. Because of the no fly-policy the crew could unfortunately not make it to Madrid in time to receive the award. But can you please describe the award ceremony at the Reina Sofia Museum, which, by the way, is one of the greatest art museums I’ve ever visited.
”It is also one of my favourite museums, perhaps because it contains Picasso’s Guernica, a symbol of freedom and, at the same time, an image of the worst that human beings are capable of, something that we must not forget: war.

The ceremony is exciting, filled with messages of hope, optimism and commitment from people around the world. It rewards commitment to sustainable thinking, science, culture, freedom of the press, freedom of expression and social transformation. It is the fiesta of committed optimists, the fiesta of all those who believe that the world can be better thanks to the honest action of people.

WeDontHaveTime will be able to pick up their prize next year. We will prepare the date to make sure they have enough time to arrive. For us, the most important thing is to spread the message.”

Is there anything special you would like to say to the supporters of We Don’t Have Time?
”Please thank them for their call to action, for making the world aware that there is no time because there is no time to doubt. And remind everyone that together we are stronger, and together we can achieve a fairer global world. We must never forget that hope is power!”

Written by: Markus Lutteman

Facts about We Don’t Have Time

We Don’t Have Time launched the world’s largest social network for climate action 22 April 2019. Together we can are the solution to the climate crisis.

Please join us at wedonthavetime.org or find the app in your app store.



We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time

We Don’t Have Time is a review platform for climate action. Together we are the solution to the climate crisis.