Bill McKibben: “What Can I do about the Climate?”

We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2018

“What Can I do about the Climate? “ is a commonly used question when understanding and combatting climate change. It’s also correct to ask ourselves “What can I do?” to create change and a movement to fight climate change.

Bill McKibben is among other things “fellow” of ‘The Sanders Institute’. This is his top list of things we all can do for the climate, published with permission from The Sanders Institute.

Bill McKibben in this video gives a few quick-fixes and solutions to the climate crisis:

Become less of an individual. Come together and push for solutions. — Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben and the Sanders Institute with the help of WeDontHaveTime echoing their message, all in our way tell the story of how we together can push for more climate action and climate positive solutions. As individuals, members of society, “less of individuals” (McKibben) and more as a collective , by ‘the power of many’ we can challenge business as usual and prove climate friendly action is the way forward.

Climate Action Short List

These actions and solutions according to Mr McKibben fall into either of these three broad categories:

  1. Go for 100 % renewable energy
  2. Keep carbon in the ground
  3. Divest from fossil fuels.

Also do read this Top-10 list by the David Suzuki Foundation.

Bill McKibben Short List

Bill McKibben need little introduction to the climate community but to a broader audience he is perhaps known for his work with the organisation He is an author, environmentalist, and an activist. In 1988 he wrote the book “The End of Nature”, the first book aimed for a common audience about global warming. He is a co-founder and Senior Advisor at, an international climate campaign that operate in 188 countries worldwide.

Bill McKibben. Photography: Nancie Battaglia (for

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We Don’t Have Time
We Don't Have Time

We Don’t Have Time is a review platform for climate action. Together we are the solution to the climate crisis.