Introducing SFT Studios & San FranTokyo: Building the Web3 Nintendo + Hasbro

Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2023

We’re so excited to introduce SFT Studios and reveal the city of San FranTokyo, where our first chapter venturing into the world of digital and physical collectibles begins.

Today, we move one step closer to building a new Web3 destination specifically to enhance the entertainment experience for pop culture, manga and anime enthusiasts around the world.

Accompanied by a significant focus on brand and IP, our platform offers a roadmap of innovative new experiences to redefine how we interact with collectibles, music, media, gaming, fashion and culture.

San FranTokyo is a place where officially licensed brands will come together to create and interact with creators and fans in new ways.

Meet the Founders: SFT Studios

At the heart of our mission is SFT Studios, a Web3 studio where innovation and creativity converge. Powered by KLKTN and operated by a seasoned team of industry insiders, developers, weebs, and pop culture aficionados, our studio is tirelessly working to redefine pop culture, anime, and manga fandom. We are not just building brands and products but orchestrating authentic, immersive experiences like never before.

Our founders, each with a rich legacy of pioneering initiatives in the tech, entertainment and pop culture industries understand the pulse of the global fandom and are passionately committed to enhancing the fan experience. They share a vision to democratize the reach of brands and Intellectual Property (IP), honoring their provenance and empowering creators, artists, and fans alike.

Our Partners and Investors

Our journey is strengthened by our partnerships with leading industry players such as Animoca Brands and Animoca Brands Japan. These alliances place us in a unique position to establish invaluable relationships with major publishers and studios in Japan & Korea, broadening our reach and deepening our ties with artists, publishers, studios and editors. Our partners share our enthusiasm for innovation and our commitment to creating meaningful, memorable experiences.

The Dawn of San FranTokyo

As we introduce San FranTokyo, we invite you to imagine a city where East meets West — a lively, dynamic cityscape that seamlessly merges the innovative spirit of Silicon Valley with the vibrant pop culture of Japan. San FranTokyo is more than just a backdrop — it is a living entity that encapsulates our brand values, a city of convergence and creation where stories unfold and communities thrive. It’s a destination where you’ll find all of the brands, titles, characters and stories you love, come together. San FranTokyo is also a place some of you will call home, a chance to build new IP, define your residency and make the city your own.

Weebox: A New Era of Collecting

San FranTokyo is home to Weebox, the official store for tech-imbued figurines and collectibles. Through Weebox, we offer fans a novel way of collecting and appreciating their favorite characters, pushing the boundaries of digital expression to usher in a new era of fandom. By partnering with major manga publishers, animation studios, and figurine companies, Weebox ensures that every collectible is a high-quality, officially licensed product that will make even the most avid collector proud.

As we gear up to take you on this journey through San FranTokyo and Weebox, we’re absolutely dedicated to keeping you updated on every development, every milestone, and every opportunity for you to engage with the brands and characters you love.

Weebox Season 1 starts now.

The Future Is Here

What we’re building is more than just a platform — it’s a bet on our conviction in the technology that will power future generational brands and IP. New and enhanced experiences will redefine how we interact with our favorite content, how we cherish our collections, and how we express our fandom and self expression.

With the solid base of an experienced team, committed partners, and innovative vision, KLKTN via SFT Studios is committed to building. We’re creating the Web3 Hasbro + Nintendo, and you’re invited to be a part of it.

Stay tuned, and welcome to the future of anime pop culture!

Follow our journey on Twitter and join our community on Discord.

Here’s to an exciting journey ahead!




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SFTスタジオとサンフラン東京の紹介:Web3 の任天堂 + Hasbroを目指す!






私たちのミッションの中心には、イノベーションと創造性が交差するWeb3スタジオ、SFTスタジオがあります。KLKTNによって運営されており、業界に詳しい者、開発者、weeb (日本の文化を愛するオタクやマニア)、ポップカルチャー愛好家の経験豊富なチームでSFTスタジオを通してポップカルチャー・アニメ・マンガのファンダムを再定義するために働いています。単にブランドや製品を作るだけでなく、これまでにないような本物の、没入感のある体験を計画しています。



この試みはAnimoca BrandsやAnimoca Brands Japanなど、業界をリードする企業とのパートナーシップによって強化されています。パートナーシップを通して日本と韓国の主要な出版社やスタジオとの貴重な関係を築く独自の位置に立つことができ、アーティスト、出版社、スタジオ、編集者との関係を広げ、深めることができます。パートナーたちは、私たちと同様に革新に対する情熱を共有し、意味深く思い出に残る体験を創造することに取り組んでいます。







Weebox シーズン1が今始まります。



経験豊富なチーム、情熱的なパートナー、革新的なビジョンという基盤を持つKLKTNは、SFTスタジオを通じて構築にコミットしています。私たちはみなさんと一緒にWeb3のHasbro + 任天堂を目指しております。




