A Balcony Seat for Feline Ease

To do nothing without guilt is true freedom

Simon Heathcote
Weeds & Wildflowers
1 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Dinuka Lankaloka on Unsplash

Deep in the leather of the sofa I am
welded to the cushion by great guilt-free
gifts of laziness, la dolce vita.
Neighbours complain from balcony strongholds:
‘You will ruin that thing’
but we like it worn — the way
it takes on seasons without complaint
how its face turns a neat brown-grey.
She — I think it’s a she —
came with me from England to Poland
& when I sit and read the greats
I imagine where else we might be.
Vienna is not far away, Prague too.
Croatia’s a bit farther so too the Baltic States.
Pushed against the kitchen window
it’s a great reclamation for our two cats
Rama & Sita who teach the fine art
of daytime sleeping as purr-fect consolation
for lives well-lived.

Copyright Simon Heathcote



Simon Heathcote
Weeds & Wildflowers

Psychotherapist writing on the human journey for some; irreverently for others; and poetry for myself; former newspaper editor. Heathcosim@aol.com