A Gaggle Of Geese

Beauty And Majesty On Display

John O'Neill
Weeds & Wildflowers
2 min readJul 24, 2021


Went for yet another walk in our local town forest
It was the day after some torrential rain
The pathways were muddy and flooded in spots
Few people were about
In fact only saw one other in the hour my wife and I were there
Was feeling the magic in the air on this day
And I was not disappointed

Perhaps my whimsy of actually hugging a tree
Was a catalyst of sorts
I had never done such a thing before
It always seemed a little over the top
But today it seemed just right

The first delight of the walk soon appeared
A heron took flight
Like a ballet dancer with wings
While another landed on the nearby river
Wings flapping
Legs outstretched
Nature’s poetry in motion on display

Then there were the geese
Swimming slowly on the water
A few adults
Many children
A definite leader in front
And bringing up the rear
Another to hustle along any stragglers
Or so…



John O'Neill
Weeds & Wildflowers

Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.