A Little Rain

A sonnet for a troubled spring

Denise Shelton
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Roan Lavery on Unsplash

It’s said into each life some rain must fall,
This year the April showers came too soon,
Heart heavy skies are massing over all,
We hide inside and hope we’re out in June.
We venture outdoors only when we must,
We keep our distances, wash hands, and spray,
We learn of strangers slipping into dust,
And wonder when…who else will slip away.
Not him, not her, not them, dear God, not me!
I’m not too old, I do want something more,
I’ve yet to hold a grandchild on my knee,
I’ve too much more to say to yield the floor.
The day they find the magic pills and charms,
I’ll wade wide seas to hold you in my arms.

© 2020, Denise Shelton. All rights reserved.

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