A Walk to the Boboli Gardens, Florence

Anne Harrison
Weeds & Wildflowers
5 min readApr 25, 2022


Morgante, Cosimo I’s ‘most beloved servant’ © A. Harrison

One quiet morning in Florence, I decided to walk to the Boboli Gardens,

Staying in the Oltrarno, the way seemed a short stroll on the map. And so it was, except I decided to enter the Gardens from the top, near Forte Belvedere, and completely forgot to take into account the hill involved.

Old Florentine walls lining the route (c) A. Harrison

Heading off along the Arno, so many trees were in bloom that it felt as if snow petals drifted from the sky. The fallen petals clustered together in little balls, rolling along the footpaths and gathering in the gutters. Across the street I could see wisteria in bloom, oblivious to the tourist groups gathering nearby for another day of trudging through enlightenment and wonder.

Our path led past the 14th century Porta San Niccolò. Complete with drop box, this tower formed part of the old city walls. After a few twists and turns, we turned into Costa San Giorgio — Galileo once lived at no. 19.



Anne Harrison
Weeds & Wildflowers

At 10 I discovered travel, books and philosophy. Now I pass my days with a camera in one hand, a notebook in the other, looking for the perfect coffee.