Prompt Response + Writing

An Unexpected Gift

Was finding an odd pinecone simply happenstance or a divine gift?

Weeds & Wildflowers
4 min readJan 5, 2022


nature the divine
blessed me with wonder of the
ordinary thing

Enjoying a walk in my neighborhood a few weeks ago, I looked around at the same scenes, the same cars in driveways, the same foliage and tiny woodland creatures that delight me as I breathed in fresh air. Then, as if magnetized, a pinecone drew my attention. It called to me saying, here, pick me up and take me home with you. I did just that.

What can I say, it was a pinecone but this one was completely closed. It’s scales were so closely knit together that it looked like a brown sepia suit of armor, protecting something precious.

I’d never seen one in that state before and I was completely fascinated. Initially, I thought, oh this one fell prematurely from its mother tree, and I wondered why.

At that moment, I wished I had the ability to hold a conversation with the tree to ask.

Resolved that I could not, I resumed my walk with the pinecone in my hand and took it home with me as I imaged it had asked me to give it a comfortable place on my bedroom windowsill, with a view of its kin.



Weeds & Wildflowers

I’m an ordinary woman, and #survivor #writing—existing in an extraordinary world. Fuck them lanes. #WEOC #BotBEditor introvert #POMpoet #TBIN #Poetry #Memoirs