Beer Musings

#22 White Tulip Witbier by Sawdust City

Sai Kalyanaraman
Weeds & Wildflowers
1 min readMay 2, 2024


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Except violet is a color that’s closer to purple than blue,
So keep your flowers and your poems too.

To call something blue,
when it’s not, that’s abhorrent.
But in the name of all that is holy and jolly,
let’s thank mother nature, at least it’s not orange.

photo by Sai Kalyanaraman

Children in kindergarten. Each one’s different without even trying. As long as they do that, they can’t help but shine. It’s only when they’re taught to compete, compare, and outperform that they seem to lose their natural light.

A tulip is a tulip. A rose is a rose. A tulip doesn’t struggle to be anything like a rose. It doesn’t have to. There’s room in the garden for every flower.

However, personally, I believe tulips beat roses hands down. A rose has to open up to be called beautiful. Tulips are delightful the way they are. Now, I don’t want to piss off any florists or gardeners here; these are just words. Love speaks in flowers. Truth, in thorns.

Also, tulips don’t have true thorns — just saying.

