Bees, Beetles, Bugs and Blooms

Taking a walk can beat the blues

Barb Dalton
Weeds & Wildflowers


Bee Happy! © Barb Dalton 2022/08/02

I’ve been such a slug lately. Work was overwhelming the last few weeks, and I was either too exhausted to take a walk, or it was suffocatingly hot to contemplate one. It became a vicious circle that quickly led to a downward spiral.

I’m now on two weeks’ vacation, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. I desperately needed to reset my weary body and frustrated mind. After just three days of totally blobbing, the bounce is already back in my step.

I hadn’t been to my local park in ages, so I made a bee-line for it. Despite not seeing my favourite heron, I was treated to some beautiful sights.

Trumpetweed or Hollow Joe-Pye weed — Euttrochium fistulosum — was in abundance. I watched the bee in my lead photo flitting from one bud to another, providing proof of the saying’ busy as a bee.’

I love this one of him mid-flight; he looks so intent on his target, his mouth hanging open and eyes buggly with glee!

Bee Line; © Barb Dalton 2022/08/02

There were copious buds and blooms. If I’m not mistaken, the cluster of green in the left picture turns into this colourful golden image in…



Barb Dalton
Weeds & Wildflowers

Mum to 3 humans, 2 fur balls. Kiwi-Canuck. Nursing Instructor by day; rants, reminisces and rhymes by night. Owner of Nursing Notes, 'sharing about caring.'