Photography by Susan Alison

Clivia Miniata, commonly known as the Natal lily or Bush Lily

Also known as ‘that orange flower in Susan’s bay window’


I only found this flower by accident — I was outside the house waiting for my grocery delivery and happened to look into my bay window. And there it was!

This plant definitely thrives on my neglect!

It’s amazing, this plant, the way it comes back year after year — actually, I think it flowered twice last year.

It’s an undemanding plant to have in one’s bay window — it just needs indirect sunlight, regular watering (which it doesn’t get from me but still it keeps on keeping on) and the occasional dose of fertilizer when it’s actively growing. Not that it gets that from me, either.

It definitely wouldn’t be so happy if I spoiled it, though. No. We have an understanding, my Clivia and I.

Photography by Susan Alison

The Clivia originates in the woodlands of South Africa, where it grows in the shade of trees. It was named for Lady Charlotte Clive, Duchess of Northumberland, a 19th century avid collector of exotic plants.



Susan Alison
Weeds & Wildflowers

Paints pictures & writes stories for a living. Dogs appear in the art, & the humour — a lot! (Dogs have much to say about life.) Can be found at