Colours of the sky

Sadhana G
Weeds & Wildflowers
2 min readJun 16, 2020

Does the endless sky, strike a chord in you?

Photo by Kenrick Mills on Unsplash

“The sky is an infinite movie to me. I never get tired of looking at what’s happening up there.” — K. D. Lang

The above quote precisely summed up my thoughts.

I love Nature.

In short, simple things such as watching the cotton ball of clouds move or just staring at the blue oceanous sky for some time is a huge stress-breaker for me.

It is a vision to sometimes look at the various color palettes playing out when I look up and wonder what kind of tricks the sky has upon its sleeve. Sometimes, I conclude that my eyes have deceived me when I see different orangish pink hues of sunrise and sunset or the pitch-black night sky.

Not to forget the shock I had, when I first saw a picture of ‘Aurora Borealis’ (Northern Lights). I had to research online and only convinced myself after a lot of theories confirming the existence of the phenomenon.

So shockingly beautiful are the colors of the sky!

“The sky takes on shades of orange during Sunrise and Sunset. The color that gives you hope, that Sun will set, only to rise again.” — Ram Charan

The flock of birds on a trail, endless sounds from the noisy airplane until it has gone out of ear-shot are all the other things that distract me from marveling about the beauty of the sky.

Sometimes, upon deep reflection, I look at the colors of the sky and find hidden virtues like hopes, truth, honesty, etc. Also, I think about my pains, disappointments, resentments, etc. In short, I use the sky as a medium of self-reflection too.

I wonder about the possibility of having wings to glide across the smooth vast expanses of the sky. A sense of liberation of my soul occurs when I imagine it traversing across the sky. All this revelation has made me come up with the idea that, ‘I am not one who can stop trying out or reaching out for maximum efforts to make myself a better person. The perseverance to continue will be hardly etched in my soul.’

So folks, try sky-gazing during this lockdown period for some mental peace and self-analysis and prepare to be amazed! This could just be your mental respite that you were looking at during the Co-Vid period.



Sadhana G
Weeds & Wildflowers

Ambition- Content creation. Guitar enthusiast. Instagram horcrux is sadhu92. Freelancer awaiting for a gig at