Covid -19, Coronavirus: Herbal Classes based on the Viral Process

Bre Bitz
Weeds & Wildflowers
8 min readMar 14, 2020


A Collaboration between Bre Lembitz, an herbalist, and Deanne Lembitz M.D., a family physician

Chart created by author

Understanding how to help those who are sick begins with understanding how the virus attacks. As you can see from the infographic above, support begins before exposure with behavioral changes like: not smoking, cutting out sugar, and immune-boosting herbs and supplements like Quercetin. And because the virus enters through the eyes, nose, and mouth, it is recommended not to touch your face and practice social distancing


A verbal description of the info-graphic above.

As After entering the body, the virus attacks the cilia of the lungs; binding to the ACE-2 receptors on the cells there and penetrating the cell. The virus then multiplies within the cell, eventually causing the cell to rupture and die.

This leads to cytokine release which leads to inflammation and fluid build-up especially in the lungs The organs of excretion then have to work to remove the fluid and toxic cell breakdown products. These organs can become overwhelmed.


This article is divided into the following sections:
I. A Description of the Classes of



Bre Bitz
Weeds & Wildflowers

Herbal Healer and Performance Artist. Writing about Self-Development, Travel and Interpersonal Relationships.