Deciduous Tree Awaken

A poem of hope for spring

Lynne Collier
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash

Deciduous Tree Awaken Your Senses

SEE the sun is rising high
and longs to touch your sleeping branches.
FEEL the warmth of spring
unfurl your tender buds.
TASTE the raindrops seeping down
to quench your thirsty roots.
SMELL the crisp air meandering around you
refreshing your tired bark.
HEAR the geese trumpet
heralding their way home to you.

Soon, the sparrows and finches
will need your leaves
to hide their young.

So, awaken, dear deciduous.
It’s spring!

This poem was written from a prompt to try and add as many senses to a poem as I could. I decided to take it literally!

More of my poems:

Lynne's Poetry



Lynne Collier
Weeds & Wildflowers

Writer of stories and poetry. Christ follower. Yorkshire lass living in Ontario. Loves nature and gardening.