New York City: Not Funny Ha Ha

It’s more funny peculiar

Remington Write
Weeds & Wildflowers
4 min readJun 3, 2024


Photo Credit — Remington Write / The guard chickens at the Urban Garden Center that sits under the Metro North train line

The movies make this city look pretty outlandish but, trust me, Marty Scorsese doesn’t have a clue. Guard chickens? Really? And an enormous garden center sitting directly under the Metro North train line? To any 21st century John Cheevers sitting on their northbound train home every night, remember that right under your bouncing bottom around the area of East 111th and Park Avenue sits an enormous garden center filled with plants, dirt, pots, and — yes — guard chickens.

Photo Credit — Remington Write / Part of 10,000 square feet of urban gardening heaven at East 111th and Park Avenue, NYC

With good intentions and possibly misplaced hope in our hearts, my partner in life and art, AleXander, and I trooped off to the Urban Garden Center with our little cart to buy dirt and plants. Our plan was to somehow thwart the numerous dogs whose owners seem to believe trees are basically there for Mister Snuffy to pee upon. We dropped a hundred and twelve bucks to make that dream a reality.

