Five indoor plants you should have to boost your wellbeing at home

Plants for your home and your health

Ivy Shepherd
Weeds & Wildflowers


Credit: OlgaMiltsova on Unsplash

In all the hustle and bustle of daily life, anything that can help towards alleviating the feelings of stress and anxiety that we experience from work or home life can only be a benefit.

The importance of having sound mental health is the foundation of how well we feel in other areas of our lives. By feeling happier and calmer, this in itself can boost our immune systems, lessen depression and anxiety and ensure that we feel healthier physically.

Working in our gardens and connecting with nature is one way of achieving this for our mental health, but we can also be growing plants inside our homes too.

Maybe you don’t have a garden and you would like to grow a tropical oasis in your own home, or if getting outside is not so accessible, then why not try growing these few plants inside your home.

They will not only brighten up your abode, but they have hidden powers that will help to fight those feelings of stress and anxiety that can sometimes be crippling for us.


As mentioned in my article, Five herbs you should grow to boost wellbeing, Lavender is a wonderful plant in so many ways.



Ivy Shepherd
Weeds & Wildflowers

Gardener. Plant manager. Nature lover. Sharing seasonal stories of the garden, nature and the environment. Top writer in Sustainability.