Fooled by a Wildflower Scam, Left With So Many Questions

There’s gotta be a more profitable way to make $9

Amethyst Qu
Weeds & Wildflowers


my new Coreopsis plant in bloom
photo of author’s new weed by the author Amethyst Qu

Living where I do in southeast Louisiana, I’m well aware of plant rustlers who do things like dig up and sell all the native carnivorous plants on Instagram. These people have pushed our local pitcher plants to near extinction. Don’t buy this stuff. I never see a pitcher plant in the wild anymore. They’ve all been stolen to sell on Facebook Marketplace or maybe to the garden center of the local big box store.

In fact, at the very outdoor “plant sale” where I just bought the wildflowers in the top picture, I saw a guy set up to sell Venus Fly Traps out of the tailgate of his truck.

I can’t prove it, but those plants were poached. I know it in my gut.

Should have turned around and gone home right then and there…

Author’s Note: Due to changes in this platform’s payment policy, I have transferred my stories elsewhere. I apologize for any inconvenience but some of these changes came quite unexpectedly and aren’t acceptable to me as a working creator. You can still find this story complete with my original photographs at its new paywall-free home:

