Forests and Floods

David S.
Weeds & Wildflowers
1 min readMay 14, 2024


The day the mountains crumbled
Many living below were washed away
The ravines were puzzled by our tears
“How else do you think we came to be here?”

Blue rivers turned to brown oceans, full of debris,
then returned as clear streams, fed by deep springs.

The volcanoes with their massive
Mute craters mouths,
Did not speak.

They need no words to say:
“I am beautiful.
I am fearful.”

Survivors looked up to the hills in worry,
Looked up further still, seeking divine protection.

Scripture begins with violent waters,
Ends with a peaceful river, lined by trees.
May this place, once and still beautiful,
Despite deep scars.
Follow the pattern of destruction, then resurrection.

Landslides and floods in our part of Kenya over the last weeks claimed more than 70 lives and destroyed around 500 homes. The survivors are rebuilding their lives and the forest is already starting to grow again, sprouting mushrooms and seedlings after the massive rains.

