Heaven Smiles

A Tritriplicata Poem & Our April Banner Photo

Weeds & Wildflowers


Hope tethered to social distancing
in this time of pandemic panic —
Alone I look upward,
heaven smiles.

I saved this photo from Susan Christiana to use in May, but it seems to belong in April, a month of springtime beginnings in a normal year and a month of endings in this virus-riddled year that is anything but normal.

I am weary. Tired of the news. Tired of distancing myself from others. Tired of the complications of remote-working. Tired of the constant worry. Tired of the mounting deaths.

I need a rainbow.

We all need a rainbow.

Rainbows signify hope.

We all need hope.

Thank you, Susan Christiana, for our April banner and for the hope of a rainbow.

Somsubhra Banerjee introduced me to a new poetry form created by Arjan Tupan called tritriplicata. The form is 3/6/9/6/3 syllables. Give it a try!

Be well, my Weeds & Wildflowers ♥



Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.