Hello Garden Part 2: The Future Is My Present

A memorial day morning walk unlocked more of my vision.

Walter Pop Matthews IV
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Walter P.o.p. Matthews IV

I woke up with such a vibrant energy on a Magnificent Monday. It’s early and everyone is still asleep because of the holiday so it’s my opportunity to once again begin my glorious trek through my neighborhood.

Whenever I take my walk the doors to my imagination are like floodgates that have been opened. As I start I once again go past the house that inspired the original Hello Garden poem and I realize that there is another house next door just like it.

They’re both delightful and I can feel such a good vibration from them. When I gazed upon them I saw beyond what my eyes could see. I began to envision what my home would look like.

A beautiful courtyard where I can commune with God in the cool of the day. A yard with beautiful flowers where the butterflies can float and play. 🦋🦋

I see my own land in which the path that I explore is mine and I stroll whenever and however long I choose. You see since I was a child the environment that I saw with my naked eyes was never enough. I created virtual environments way before the world wide web.

So now back to reality so I can listen to my favorite inspiration. I put both of my earbuds in and they…



Walter Pop Matthews IV
Weeds & Wildflowers

A writer who has written an autobiography in poetry form, songs, a play and thought provoking commentary on various online platforms.