Things that No One will Tell You about this Flowering vine (Passiflora/Passion Flower)

Parth Mayn
6 min readOct 24, 2021


Hey guys, this is your host Parth and today I will be answering your most frequently asked questions about Passiflora or Passionflower vine Plant.

I’ll try to answer most of your queries regarding the passiflora vine. So without wasting any further time let’s begin answering the questions straight away.

Question 1: Are Passiflora Evergreen?

Photo by Shyam on Unsplash

Answer: In general, Passiflora is an evergreen plant that does not shed its dark green leaves, but in colder regions, it tends to shed most of its leaves.

Basically, this plant needs to be protected from cold, and if failed to do so, it may lose its leaves. If in colder regions, the plant is provided with a good shelter that can protect it from cold, then it might not shed its leaves and remain evergreen.

Question 2: Are passiflora flowers and fruits edible

Photo by Michael Kucharski on Unsplash

Answer: Passiflora lovers are aware that this plant bears an egg-shaped fruit. This fruit can be eaten when it is fully ripened when it turns completely orange in color.

However, when this fruit is yellow in color, it is still under the ripening process. The fruit must not be eaten at this stage because it can cause digestive problems that may upset the stomach.

The other parts of the plant are extremely toxic and can’t be consumed. Thus, the flowers of the passiflora are not edible.

Question 3: Are passiflora perennial?

Photo by Stéphane Juban on Unsplash

Answer: Yes, the Passiflora plant is a perennial plant that grows very quickly if grown in a huge space so that its roots can wander. This plant spreads through its roots and can climb over almost anything that comes its way.

Question 4: Are passiflora toxic to pets?

Photo by Marek Szturc on Unsplash

Answer: Passiflora is non-toxic to pets, and it usually causes no harm if your pets like cats or dogs swallow its leaves or flowers. If in a rare case, your pet gets sick after eating the plant, it is recommended to visit your vet.

Question 5: Can passiflora be grown in a pot?

Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash

Answer: Obviously yes!! You can grow passiflora in a pot, but it won’t grow as quickly and vigorously as it would if it is sown directly in the ground. When grown in a container, the plant may also take a longer time to bloom flowers than otherwise. So, if you have a choice to either grow the plant in soil or in a container, then a big thumbs up to the former option.

Question 6: When to prune passiflora?

Photo by Dorothea OLDANI on Unsplash

Answer: No doubt, passiflora is a self-climbing vine, yet, if you expect it to spread vigorously and bear flowers profusely, then it is advisable that the plant must be pruned. The other major reason to prune passiflora is to get rid of the dead leaves and branches and to maintain the shape of the plant.

The best time to prune passiflora is when it had experienced its flowering season, and the winters are near, probably during mid-October or November. As shared before, if you wish to keep your passiflora green during the winter season, keep it protected from the frost, and make sure to trim its dead ends.

Question 7: When to plant passiflora?

Photo by Vitor Monthay on Unsplash

Answer: Most varieties of Passiflora start blooming in the early spring and show this blooming behavior until the beginning of fall. The plant must be sown the plant in the spring season so that it can meet its growing requirement easily in that season.

If you live in colder regions, and growing passionflower is one of your passion, then my friend, you can grow this vine in a container. When the weather is warm and sunny, you can place it outdoors; else try to protect it from frost and cold.

Question 8: When do passiflora bloom?

Photo by André Fernando on Unsplash

Answer: Like any other flowering vines, passiflora is fond of the spring season and it shares its happiness by yielding large beautiful blooms at the beginning of the spring season.

From here on, the plant will keep blooming flowers every now and then until the fall arrives. Keeping it more precisely, you can expect your passiflora to bear flowers from the months of April or May, and continue blooming until Mid-October.

Question 9: Where does the passiflora vine grow?

Photo by Eduardo Soares on Unsplash

Answer: Since passiflora isn’t quite a fan of the winter season, it grows in areas with warm and milder temperatures. The plant can be grown in cold regions too, but it is extremely important to protect it from cold, specially its roots. If you planning to grow it in a cold region, then protecting its roots by spreading mulch all over the roots is a must.

Question 10: Why is my passiflora vine is not flowering?

Photo by hartono subagio on Unsplash

Answer: The most solid reason for this could be the lack of Sun. If your passiflora isn’t planted in an area where it can receive at least 6–8 hours of sunlight, then it may take a long to bloom flowers.

Make sure that you provide your passiflora with sufficient potassium because that’s one such mineral that promotes the growth of flowers. And, at the same time, be cautious not to provide the plant with lots of nitrogen, because, nitrogen promotes excessive green growth, i.e. the growth of leaves, and this might hinder your plant from blooming.

Question 11: Will passiflora grow in shade?

Photo by Chris Abney on Unsplash

Answer: It depends- Is it the full shade or partial shade? If you plant it in a semi-shaded area, then the plant may grow, but it won’t grow to its fullest because Sun is a huge requirement for Passiflora to grow and bloom. In case, you plan to grow in a fully shaded area, where it will not get any sunlight at all, then my friend, it is a huge mistake, because passiflora is an outdoor plant that demands a lot of Sunlight.

Well, that's all for today’s story, I hope I have covered most of your queries regarding Passiflora or Passionflower vine.

If in case there’s still doubt in your mind or there's a question that I didn't answer then you can put your queries directly in the response section. I will try to answer as soon as I can.

See you guys in the next story, Until then Stay Safe, Healthy, and Blooming!



Parth Mayn

Terrace Gardener🌱 Blogger✍🏻 Deeply obliged to mother Earth, a plant influencer and a nature lover.