
Weeds & Wildflowers
Sent as a


2 min readMay 3, 2021
Photo by Mia Verita — Permission Granted

Hello, Weeds & Wildflowers,

First, thank you for all the generous and warm well wishes sent my way. I have the best followers on Medium!

Second, I was discharged from the hospital yesterday after a long five-day stay. Although my condition hasn’t been positively identified yet, my doctor feels certain that test results will confirm his belief that I’m suffering from microscopic colitis brought on by a rough year of food allergies, IBS, and a serious bacterial infection almost six weeks ago. For now, until the final diagnosis, my treatment is for symptoms. But, I’m seeing a little improvement each day.

I’m still housebound, for the most part, and spend a great deal of time sleeping. Obviously, my body is in need of serious rest.

I’d like to thank Mia Verita for our May banner. The flowers she captured are as delicate as I feel these days! Thanks, Mia!

My illness and hospitalization drained me of all creativity, and I planned to write here that I don’t have a May prompt yet. But, as I looked over this newsletter, I realized the prompt is the title Home. While in the hospital, home felt like a mythical place I’d never seen again, and I realized all the bits and pieces that make up the concept of home. And, I missed each one.

So, that’s our prompt: What is home to you? Home isn’t simply an abode; home is people, pets, things, aromas, feelings, memories. Respond in poetry, prose, photography, artwork. Please make one of your tags Writing Prompt Response.

Again, I am so grateful for each of you ♥ and for my sweet and attentive Ben (Captain Argentina). All of you are part of my home.

Your on-the-mend editor,




Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.