I Seek Beauty in My World

And now it’s time to include me in this world too

Bingz Huang
Weeds & Wildflowers
3 min readJun 12, 2021


Rain Tree + Silk fan veils. Photographed by the author.

There she is — a vision of beauty. Standing firmly rooted in the vast green field, multiple entwined arms spreading elegantly, reaching towards the heavenly realms, leaves rustling gently in the cool breeze. She beckons me to dance with her, moving my arms, and pink-peach silk fan veils through the air, twirling, extending, contracting, spiraling through her huge aura.

Whenever I dance within her nurturing presence, it feels easier to believe that I belong to this vision of beauty too. I tend to shy away from ugliness, and somehow, it feels like — I’ve been shying away from myself most of the time.

I Used To Be Pretty

When I was a little girl, my aunts and uncles used to gush at my pretty double eyelids, sharp nose, and radiant smile. I wore frilly Princessy dresses, smiled and posed with confidence at the old-fashioned flash analog camera, and eagerly waited to admire the photographs neatly kept in huge old-fashioned albums.

My younger sister was less fortunate. She was the grumpy rebel who rolled her eyes constantly with effortless ease. Her facial features weren’t as defined as mine, and she wasn’t a people pleaser like me. Our cousins teased her, calling her an ugly duckling. It was cruel, but I…



Bingz Huang
Weeds & Wildflowers

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.