If I Can Do It

so can you

Weeds & Wildflowers


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

We Fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place,
And we’ll not fail.

Texting, for this boomer, surely is the greatest invention since the telephone itself, the harnessing of electricity, Rock and Roll, or the wheel even.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I hate calling people on the phone. Whenever I call a friend, or even worse, a relative, I pray that it will go to voice mail so that I can just leave a message and be done with it. Once I actually get into a phone conversation I’m OK, but the act, the very thought, of making that call fills me with existential dread. So you can imagine my horror at being approached — by text, thankfully — about making cold calls on behalf of the Biden/Harris campaign. Immediately torn between guilt at the thought that I should be doing more to flush the turd on November third and terror at the thought of placing calls to perfect strangers and [gasp, shudder] asking them to do something, I kept the message but tried not to think about it. Unfortunately — or not, depending on how you look at it — my conscience pricked me until I finally texted back, “Tell me more.”



Weeds & Wildflowers

No woman ever murdered her husband while he was washing the dishes.