Impressed with a Bird, Not an Eclipse

We all have priorities, don’t we?

Weeds & Wildflowers


© Dennett ~ 2022

It’s happening now, as I write. The eclipse. Not a total one here in Florida, but I don’t care and didn’t look. The sunlight in my backyard appeared weird for a few minutes. Yawn.

I don’t understand all the hoopla surrounding the eclipse. People traveling thousands of miles and spending thousands of dollars to wear paper glasses for a brief moment of darkness in the daytime. Come summer here in Florida, we’ll have many afternoon thunderstorms that will plunge us into darkness more total than the total eclipse.

I remember the 1963 total eclipse. I was visiting my best friend and her family in Maryland. I don’t recall there being special glasses for the eclipse. Instead, her dad brought home multi-colored chunks of glass from his factory job. Neighbors gathered on their lawn, he handed out the blocks of colorful glass, and we all looked at the eclipse. I expected something big, but it was only the sun blacked out for a bit. No big deal.

What is a big deal to me? Black birds that look blue or like the colorful chunks of glass we looked through to see the eclipse.



Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.