It’s Not That You Don’t Know What You Want

You know what you want.

Flose LaPierre
Weeds & Wildflowers


The problem is what you desire is not aligned with where you are presently, and that’s the source of the tension you’re feeling, why you feel misunderstood.

You’re not stupid.

You’re not ugly.

You’re not fat.

You’re not too hairy.

You don’t change your mind too much.

You’re not too talkative.

You’re not too shy.

You’re not too broke.

You are who you are.

You are where you are.

But those things can change, and you’re at the center of that shift.

You get to decide.

But maybe you’re exhausted right now. That’s okay.

If you’re the kind of person who feels they can’t just wake up and be who it is they want to be the very next day, be gentle with yourself.

Yes, there are people out there who say what they’re going to do and do what they say. If that’s not you, be gentle with yourself.

You will get there. Celebrate the small wins. If your goal is to have 6:00 am wakeups, congratulate yourself each time you get closer to that goal, even…



Flose LaPierre
Weeds & Wildflowers

Personal essays, short fiction, poetry, and experimental creative content.