Leaf, Leaves, Leaving

5 days, 5 poems, 25 words each

Anna da Silva
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Anna da Silva

Spring’s tender leaves
nourish awakening trees.
Dance and sway,
to entrap sun’s rays.
Then colour and curl,
tumble and swirl
as summer turns
to winter.

My thanks to Suntonu Bhadra for the inspiration to write this “multiplier of five” series. The challenge is to write five poems of 25 words each, in five days, all on a common theme. I have chosen the theme of “leaves”. This is my first poem. You can find the second here:

You can join in too, and you can find Suntonu’s series here:



Anna da Silva
Weeds & Wildflowers

Ex war reporter turned aid worker then environmentalist. Wife, mum & stepmum. Joining dots with story-telling, poetry, memoir & fiction. @hogglespiking