Shasta Daisies and Purple Cone Flowers, with red Daylilies in the background. Photo by Louise Peacock

Mid-July Garden

Louise Peacock
Weeds & Wildflowers
2 min readJul 23, 2020


After the long, very cool spring we had, I was doubtful about what type of flower showing we might get. The Shasta Daisies (which are usually open by the last week in June) were hanging back and I began to think we might not get any significant bloom from them. The second week into July they began to show their pretty faces.

Oakleafed Hydrangea in bloom for the first time!!. Photo by Louise Peacock

Two years ago I bought an Oakleafed Hydrangea (on sale of course) and waited patiently for it to show some bloom. And, to my delight, at the beginning of July, I began to see buds, and now here it is. I think this is a lovely variation on the usual Hydrangea look. The blooms will stay on the plant for weeks, but as they age they will begin to turn pink.

The pink Phlox are finally out! Photo by Louise Peacock

As soon as the heatwave began a couple of weeks ago, everything began to pop. The Shasta Daisies in the background the pink Phlox mixed in with the two types of orange Daylily and in the foreground another, darker pink Phlox.

Daylily “Poinset” with an almost blue Phlox behind. Photo by Louise Peacock

I got the almost-blue Phlox from a client. This plant drives me mad. In certain lights, it is definitely blue, but the colour seems to change with the type of light. In this photo, it definitely looks more pink. Whereas in the image below taken in 2017, it is definitely looking blue.

Phlox showing a blue look. Photo by Louise Peacock

With all the recent intense heat, many of the flowers out now will be done, leaving us with a few standbys like the purple Coneflowers and the Black-eyed Susans which will be out in a couple of weeks.



Louise Peacock
Weeds & Wildflowers

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.