My Dancing Shoes Are Meant for Two

And I might even sing for you

Carolyn Riker
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Artem Maryshev on Unsplash

My dancing shoes
are a metaphor
where I dance
on the edges of a
dreaming shore.

I’ll dance with the
Blues and shimmy with
reggae and you might
laugh and I will too
knowing our dancing shoes
are meant of two.

We’ll pretend to tango
and skip the dip
because of my hip
but you’ll kiss my lips.

Compassion knows
when we grow old
we’ll switch to a waltz
and there’s no telling
who’s leading who.
That’s a true partner.

At the end of a
long, long day,
I promise
my dancing shoes
will rest next to yours
hoping and swaying
into our tomorrows.
And I might…
even sing for you.



Carolyn Riker
Weeds & Wildflowers

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!