Nature’s Bounty

Weeds & Wildflowers
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2 min readSep 1, 2021


Photo by Dan Pfeifer — Used with Permission

Hello, Weeds & Wildflowers,

Summer is waning. The season of homegrown vegetables ended long ago here in Florida, although some farmers and gardeners are gearing up for fall crops. But, in our northern states, it’s harvest time!

Dan Pfeifer writes abundantly about gardening in upstate New York. I’m grateful that he used his photography skills to provide our September banner, a picture of his luscious tomatoes. Makes you crave a tomato sandwich, doesn’t it? Thank you, Dan!

I don’t grow vegetables. My gardening space is limited and with only Captain Argentina and me to feed, buying local produce is more economical than growing our own. But, I admire those who, like Dan, have gardens that feed their families.

As we say goodbye to summer, let’s be mindful and grateful for what nature provides, whether or not we are the planters and reapers. I am not religious and don’t have a habit of saying grace before meals, but I believe strongly in being grateful for the bounties of nature that we consume. The end of summer is the perfect time to express that gratitude.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who participated in the Road Trip! August prompt. If you haven’t submitted your road trip story yet, it’s never too late. Our prompts have no deadlines.



Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.