Nature’s Surprises

March Weeds & Wildflowers Writing Prompt

Weeds & Wildflowers


© Dennett ~ February 2022

Happy Spring, Weeds & Wildflowers!

Many of us live in areas that are tiptoeing or jumping headfirst into spring. Others are welcoming fall. Either way, we are in transition.

After reaching out to two photographers for permission to use one of their photos for the March Weeds & Wildflowers banner and not receiving a reply by the end of February*, I chose my eagle photo. Why?

Because I want to write about surprises in nature.

Florida has one of the largest bald eagle populations in the United States with approximately 1,500 nesting pairs. Of course, Alaska has the most, followed by Minnesota, then Florida and Wisconsin, neck-in-neck.

But, that doesn’t mean that Floridians see eagles regularly or even, ever. Most of the bald eagles in my county are located around Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park but I’ve never seen one there. In fact, until last month, the only bald eagle I’d ever seen was on Lake Dora in Central Florida, at that one was so far away, I could barely identify it as an eagle.

So, you can imagine how shocked I was when I saw a bald eagle harassing the Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks on our lake. And, I was astonished when, a few days later, he appeared again. I wrote about the…



Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.