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Three sets of questions and answers — because of those sad eyes

Weeds & Wildflowers


Because Agnes Louis and Adam, Diabetic Cyborg looked at me with virtual Labrador sad eyes, I am answering more questions.

If you are granted instant knowledge (without having to study) on everything there is to know about ONE single subject, what subject would that be and why?

I would want to speak Spanish. I’ve tried, as I have with French, and failed miserably at both. A personal Spanish tutor couldn’t get me past the most rudimentary expressions and, like French, I was much better at reading and understanding than speaking.

If you can make one change to the world we’re currently inhabiting, what would it be?

My great-aunt Helen once said that nearly all the world's problems could be solved by good manners. As simplistic as that sounds, I believe she was very wise. Good manners are a form of kindness — a way of disagreeing in a polite way — a form of understanding and tolerance in practice. Based on Aunt Helen’s wisdom (she passed at 104 years of age), I choose kindness/manners.

What is your favourite word and why?



Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.